Welcome to the Retirement Planner calculator, this tool is designed to calculate the investment percentage and the amount of fund to be invested in different types of schemes for retiring personnel from Government or private jobs.

Retirement Corpus Investment Planner

Adjust Allocation Percentages:

Investment Allocation:

Expected Income Breakdown:

Total Monthly Income:


Key Features of the Retirement Planner

  1. Custom Allocation Adjustments: Users can adjust the percentage allocation for each investment category to match their preferences.
  2. Income Breakdown: Shows the monthly income generated by each category.
  3. Total Monthly Income: Displays the total monthly income from all investments.

Example Results

For a corpus of ₹50,00,000:

  • Allocation:
    • Fixed Deposits: ₹12,50,000
    • POMIS: ₹7,50,000
    • SCSS: ₹15,00,000
    • Mutual Funds: ₹10,00,000
    • Health Insurance: ₹5,00,000
  • Monthly Income:
    • Fixed Deposits: ₹6,250
    • POMIS: ₹4,375
    • SCSS: ₹10,000
    • Mutual Funds: ₹8,333
    • Health Insurance: ₹0
    • Total: ₹28,958
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