Mutual funds are one of the most popular investment platforms in India. The returns from the investment in Mutual Fund can be estimated accurately using this calculator.

Mutual Fund Return Calculator

Mutual Fund Return Calculator

Key Features of the Calculator:

  1. Investment Type: Choose between SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) and Lump Sum investments.
  2. Inputs:
    • Investment Amount: Enter the amount you want to invest.
    • Duration: Input the number of years the investment is held.
    • Expected Return Rate: Specify the average annual return rate.
  3. Calculations:
    • SIP returns are calculated using the formula for compounding on monthly investments.
    • Lump sum returns are calculated using annual compounding.
  4. Output: Displays total investment, final value, and profit earned.

Caution: Mutual fund investments are subject to market risk. Please read the scheme documents carefully before investing

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