Certificates of deposits at Marcus are secured and FDIC insured-backed by the credit of the US Government and Goldman Sachs bank USA- Claimed by Marcus. We have presented a simplified user friendly Marcus by Goldman Sachs CD calculator to estimate earnings on the deposit.

Marcus by Goldman Sachs CD Calculator

Marcus by Goldman Sachs CD Calculator

Key Features of Marcus by Goldman Sachs CD Calculator:

  1. Inputs:
    • Deposit Amount (USD): Principal amount.
    • Interest Rate: Predefined based on Marcus CD rates (e.g., 4.50% for 1 year, 4.75% for 2 years, and 5.00% for 5 years).
    • Tenure: Duration of deposit in years.
    • Compounding Frequency: Options include annually, quarterly, and monthly.
  2. Outputs:
    • Maturity Value: Total value after interest.
    • Interest Earned: Total interest earned over the CD period.

Instructions to use the calculator:

  1. Enter the deposit amount in USD.
  2. Select an interest rate corresponding to the CD term.
  3. Enter the tenure (in years).
  4. Choose the compounding frequency (e.g., annually, quarterly).
  5. Click “Calculate” to view the results.
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